Sunday, 4 July 2010

Stone Barn Installation

The Stone Barn installation is now complete and client is very happy. Pyramid Catering Equipment have once again exceeded expectations. It is the attention to detail that makes the difference and having a full understanding of what the client actually wants (even when they may not actually know themselves).

The main kitchen area you can see is located next to the largest BBQ I have ever seen. The BBQ is capable of cooking four sides of lamb at once and was fabricated and fitted by the owner's brother-in-law. Wedding guests will have full view of this impressive sight and will be able to watch their wedding breakfast being prepared.

The contrast between the black powder coated exterior of the extract canopy with the stainless steel inside panels and wall cladding look absolutely stunning. The vanity panels on the centre bench and to the rear of the wall benches give a high quality finish.

The main kitchen is adjoined by a wash and prep room where the aftermath of the wedding breakfast can be dealt with out of view of the wedding guests.

The Stone Barn is an absolutely fabulous venue for weddings, the building itself is fantastic and the location and surrounding countryside is stunning. I am confident that the kitchen installation does justice to such a wonderful site.

Check out their website -

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